


亞洲迷你倉商會會員致力確保迷你倉營運商遵從屋宇署及消防處的規定。亞洲迷你倉商會每年更新會員貼紙,供會員於營業場所入口展示。公眾亦可前往 https://selfstorageasia.org/operator-directory-hk#!directory 查詢迷你倉公司(亦稱自助倉儲)的現時會員狀態。



如您知悉有任何未於以上網站列明之倉儲或相關服務業者,請電郵至 info@selfstorageasia.org 或填妥下列表格,並提供以下資料:

  • 公司名稱:

  • 公司地址(包含地區、街道、大廈、樓層、單位等資料):

  • 所提供之倉儲或服務內容:

  • 廣告或提供的聯絡資料(如電郵、WhatsApp、電話號碼):

  • 您是如何得知該場所的:

  • 其他任何相關資料:




It has come to the attention of the industry that there are people running self storage-like locations in Hong Kong that are, in essence, operating outside of the law. They are perhaps unknown to the authorities and do not comply with safety regulations. They deliberately avoid coming to the attention of relevant authorities in an attempt to cut costs by compromising on safety.

SSAA members strive to ensure compliance with Buildings Department and Fire Services Department regulations. The SSAA issues a sticker, updated annually, for members to display at the entrances to their premises. People can also check self storage company’s current membership status at https://selfstorageasia.org/operator-directory-hk#!directory

If you are aware of a company offering storage that you believe may be operating outside the law - a ‘black site’ - please report it to the Self Storage Association Asia.

Sites that have been inspected will have their address and current status listed here:


If you know of someone offering storage and storage services who is not listed on this site, please send an email to the SSAA via info@selfstorageasia.org or fill out the form below. Include:

Visible Name of Company:

  • Address of Company (be as specific as possible): 

  • What is being offered in terms of storage or service:

  • Any contact information advertised or provided (i.e. email, WhatsApp, phone number):

  • How you heard about the site:

  • Any other relevant information:

The SSAA will report the information to the relevant authorities for appropriate action.

The SSAA encourages compliance with local regulations in all the countries its members operate in. We also aim to ensure that the consumer public has access to self storage that complies with the highest standards of safety, quality and customer service.