We are pleased to inform you that we will hold an exhibition ‘SELF STORAGE ONLINE FORUM 2020’ on 15th (Tue) of December, co-hosted by SSAA.
We have partnered up with RSA since 2018, and this event will be the biggest self-storage business event in Japan. The event will be held online by ZOOM due to COVID-19 pandemic this year. Self-storage business has been growing by 7% annually in Japan, and it starts to attract investors as an investment target. We believe that it will be a good opportunity for you to feel the business trend in Japan.
HELEN NG (SSAA Chairman) and ANDREW Work (SSAA Executive Director) will speak about the Asian self-storage business online in the event. Presentations by specialists and a panel discussion will be also available. Supplier’s promotion will be held in this event to introduce related suppliers and business partners.
This event will be conducted in Japanese, English speaking speakers’ speeches will be interpreted in English live.
For members, please sign in to get member pricing
Email to heilylai@selfstorageasia.org
1. Programme and operational details are subject to change and SSAA reserves the right to amend as required right up to and during the event.
2. For any queries, contact Heily Lai (heilylai@selfstorageasia.org).